A blog is the most valuable & shareable content to add to a website that can be shared by a link with a blurb on your social media. It can be used to enrich an email newsletter marketing campaign and a blog is a central part and the lifeblood of most modern Content Marketing Strategies!
- A blog is by far the most affordable form of advertising. With your keyword-rich content, on-page SEO added, it becomes easier to reach an audience organically, particularly because they’re already typing in your keywords when looking for answers on Google.
- Position your brand as an industry leader – Writing makes you think about shareable content targeted to build up audience enthusiasm and create interest for your product and services.
- Social Sharing – A blog is a share-worthy content that people will like, share and read. When a friend likes, shares or posts your blog on their social media page, their friends can see it, like it and share it.
- Increase your SEO – The whole idea behind blogging for business is to drive traffic to your website to improve Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
- Search engines value content as they’re always crawling for new content. The more you blog, the more frequently search engines will be crawling all over your website looking for new content to add.
- Share your thoughts and expertise with others & gain your customer’s trust and a loyal following. Your content marketing strategy focus should include blogging to raise awareness of your brand and to increase your audience.
- Blogging is connecting and giving your business a voice & a platform from which to be heard.
- You don’t have to be a professional writer. Blogging is as easy as putting your ideas into words.
- Blogging will inspire you to be more creative. Ideas will begin to flow, increasing your passion for what you do and what your business is about.
- Improve Customer Relationships – A blog builds the company’s relationship with its clients and increases sales.
- Blogging gives the business owner insight into their customer trends.
Blogging elevates your products & services to make them visible to a wider audience. Blog writing has the potential to improve page ranking, build a loyal following, increase sales and position the business as an industry leader. Not bad for a little of your time to add value to your potential clients!
Download my free Blog Writing Formula & Marketing Tips to learn how to formulate a blog.
Learn the WordPress Basics.
Contact ACT Websites to add a blog page to your self-hosted WordPress website.