22 Tools For WordPress Freelancers & Web Designers

22 Tools For WordPress Freelancers & Web Designers

Access the resources from my toolbox that enable me to provide added value to my clients, craft marketing content, and elevate the quality of my web design work. These tools are available for use on your business and/or WordPress website. Take a look at the list below...
4 Reasons Why Quality Content Converts

4 Reasons Why Quality Content Converts

A captivating web copy is the secret sauce that unleashes your website’s potential to skyrocket your sales, boost conversions, and make your online presence shine like a diamond! In this blog post, we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover...
Video Marketing – What type of Video to Make?

Video Marketing – What type of Video to Make?

Video marketing provides informative entertainment to potential customers.  Videos are great for building buzz around products and services as they are highly shareable, particularly when produced with content that delivers quality to give your audience value. When...
How To Use SEO Keywords To Show Up On Google

How To Use SEO Keywords To Show Up On Google

Meaningful and impacting websites need to reflect excellence to encompass the whole aspect of the design. For this reason, SEO cannot be overlooked as the most crucial aspect of the website for enabling others to find your business on Google using keywords or search...
15 Reasons To Love WordPress

15 Reasons To Love WordPress

15 Reasons To Love WordPress Wordpress is a widely used Content Management System used for blogs, ( or for Business (  WordPress is free, SEO friendly and is easy to learn enabling small business owners to add their own content. WordPress...

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