Free quality high-resolution photos for business are hard to find. I’ve done the research and have taken the hard work out by providing links to websites that I regularly use to access loads of free for commercial use images that often don’t require attribution. Most free images come with some sort of restriction on licensing. For instance, you might be required to cite the photographer and to link back to the website or the photographer’s page. So I recommend that you read all licensing before downloading images to avoid any legal hassles. Also, I advise reading all of the information on each website to make sure you fully understand what you agree to before downloading.
Where To Find Free Images
Canva Pro Great quality assortment of stock images. One small annual fee with the Canva Pro account allows the use of all their Canva Pro images for commercial purposes. Canva provides what I have found to be the best online software for graphic design work. Free or paid images are available for commercial use. No attribution required. Canva’s free version also allows you to upload your own images to edit and use to create designs using their various social media and multimedia templates. However, the free account is limited. Canva Pro opens up an enormous wealth of possibilities to create amazing digital designs and marketing graphics.
Pixabay A huge assortment of free for commercial use images that don’t require attribution.
Stokpic quality high-resolution images.
Pexels Good business photos – Variety & quality!
Unsplash Good for memes and other graphic projects. Read terms of use.
Realisticshots Heaps to choose from.
Gratisography Great images – a large assortment.
Picjumbo Heaps of images to choose from.
High-Resolution Images are large and take too long to load. If you’re after massive images, this is the site for you!
Fancycrave Good for a variety of projects.
FoodiesFeed Food images.
Rgbstock Heaps to choose from – read permissions.
Visualhunt A large assortment of images
Foodeverest Food images.
Goodfreephotos Good for projects.
RaumRot Nice images – click on the links at the top of the page.
Freejpg A huge assortment!
Morguefile – Heaps of quality and amateur hi-res images – read individual image permissions before downloading.
Goodstock Photos Good quality images.
Before you download an image:
- Read the licensing. Some images may require attribution.
- It’s up to you to make sure the images you use don’t belong to another business. I’ve noticed images that probably shouldn’t have been uploaded to these sites. So be careful. Using the Canva platform is probably the safest way to get stock images without having to read the licensing.
- Know what size you’re after beforehand so that you don’t clutter your website with huge images.
- Use images that are relevant to your business or blog.
I hope these links to free photo sites will prove useful for your business and personal use. More of these types of blogs coming in the near future. So keep an eye out for those. If you’re after affordable web design & development, plus graphic design work, contact Sandra at ACT Websites for quality WordPress freelance work that doesn’t cost the earth.
Note: I make a small commission from each Canva Pro membership sold via the link provided. Thanks for your support.